Vocational Education & Training (VET)
- Warragul Regional College has a high level of success in the VET program with students going on to either further vocational study or employment.
- Warragul Regional College has a high level of success in the VET program with students going on to either further vocational study or employment.
- There are a number of students involved in the VET program allowing them to gain valuable vocational skill in their area of their interest, while they complete their VCE or VCAL.
- Students enrolled in the VET course have a commitment to the two year course and attend a registered training organization (R.T.O) every Wednesday.
- Registered training organizations (R.T.O) include GippsTAFE or the Community College Gippsland, or an organization that has been auspiced through an R.T.O. such as Warragul Regional College or Drouin Secondary College.
- Advantages of the VET program include:
Industry specific vocational training whilst completing VCE or VCAL.
– Completion of a nationally recognized course, generally a Certificate 11 course.
– Studying subjects closely related to employment, obtaining Industrial experience and references.
– Gaining skills and recognition of prior learning possibly reducing apprenticeship completion times or TAFE course time.
– Courses are recognized as VCE subjects with some having scored assessment and some having credit towards their VCE results.
– Retaining full choice of VCE subjects. - A variety of courses are on offer.